The plant-soil micro-organism interactions, nutritional elements and environment represent a dynamic and complex system that requires targeted care not when simply fighting individual problems, but to guarantee proper plant physiology so as to reduce the onset of any problems ahead of time.
Overtìs not only produces and sells. It offers specific agronomic technical support through the “Protocol of the crops”, a global approach based on PLANNING, which accompanies the farmer from the moment of replanting/seeding all the way to harvesting. If properly applied, the Protocol of the Crops makes the job easier and responds to the farmer’s doubts. Above all, it properly takes into account the real needs of the plant, guaranteeing a precise and effective action of our products.

for 1 hectare of surface area with application of the OverWater device

The liquid fertilizers of the OverGround line are used in the final irrigation phase
to allow a direct exchange with the roots.