The life of a plant does not depend only on chemical functions and adequate microbiological activity, but also on physical functions that perform regulating activities (enzymatic, immune response, growth and development).
The environment that surrounds every living organism is also the site of a field of electric and magnetic forces able to alter the distribution and conformation of the system’s molecules, altering their chemical reactivity and in this way affecting some biological processes.
Electromagnetic signals are the language of communication between atoms and molecules and the medium with which the organisms receive a set of information from the environment (sunlight, for example).
Plants, since they are devoid of “movement”, have refined their resilience capacity in order to survive, by developing an ability to perceive over 20 different chemical and physical parameters and communicate with each other through electromagnetic attraction or alarm signals. Therefore, they have the ability to perceive the changes of the external environment and to be retroactive in the most adequate manner possible.
Biodiversity: it is important we ask ourselves to what extent intensive agriculture impoverishes the soil and makes plants less efficient, finding an answer within a short time.
Overtìs offers an effective, scientifically proven and eco-friendly answer. It makes use of the principle of resonance of the electromagnetic field, able to “speak the plants’ language” and communicate with the cells making them up, promoting their balance and productivity.